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Software development stories 

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In their articles, our experts strive to unmask the secrets of software development. We share stories covering tech trends, challenges and pain-points, and case studies based on real-life examples and struggles.

 How do we know these struggles? It’s simple, as every article on our blog is written by an expert in their field, including business development, client support, and project management. We understand software development challenges first-hand, as we work with clients and estimate projects for our prospects on a daily basis.

4 years' experience in IT


Delivering high-quality software for over 4 years to-date, we mastered what process, tools, and best practices work optimally in different industries. Articles in this blog make use of this experience, giving you the opportunity to view real expert knowledge before even contacting a software vendor for your project.

 From blog posts including how-to articles and guides, to e-books thoroughly addressing software development, we want to empower you to make informed decisions while deciding on your project’s delivery.

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