Virtual Reality
Development Services

Empower your business with Virtual Reality setting



development services

Explore the future of your business, today. With modern solutions like Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), you can change how people interact with your brand. Shopping, real estate, creating digital products are at the forefront of applying modern technologies, blending digital experiences with physical world.

VR changes the way people work, too. Cooperate remotely with a shared, digital view, follow instructions on Virtual Reality devices, access information with interactive interfaces, and easily find your way through the workplace with a digital guide. Laboratories, logistics, and construction industry already take advantage of having the required data, right in front of employee’s eyes.

Virtual reality is transforming the way businesses operate. Make sure to take advantage of this tech.

Take advantage of cutting-edge technology

Empower your business with AR/VR development


Brand visibility


Digital experience


Customer engagement


Improved processes




Reduced errors



Global AR/VR market size is estimated to reach 18.8bn USD in 2020, with the US and China leading in spending on this technology

Expertise You Can Trust

At SoftwareHut, we can support you with AR/VR development services


Custom Solutions

We will adapt your desired solution to your business goals


Project Quality

Project quality is our priority, ensuring the code meets modern standards


Poven Tech-Stack

We use only the best tools and tech for your project

We extend the AR/VR possibilities from the very beginning


AR/VR technologies are developing faster and faster, as the natural evolution of mobile applications. Here at Softwarehut, we are aware of the importance of these solutions in the future. So we explore and extend their possibilities from the very beginning.


What is possible with AR/VR development?

Augmented and virtual realities are nothing new, but for many years the cost of the development and, even more significantly, the cost of headsets required to use them, was too high to ensure global adoption. This situation has changed, as both the development and required devices are now cheaper than before. What’s more, users may also use their smartphones to access some virtual reality features.

Entertainment and gaming industry come to mind first, when we think about modern applications of VR. This tech is also becoming present in retail: smart mirrors or virtual reality shops are new, but growingly popular examples. Users can also use VR apps at home, for example to see how new furniture would look like in their space.

Industries benefit from AR and – more often Mixed Reality – devices as well. In logistics, for example, workers can track packages with virtual reality headsets, guided by a digital interface.


What tech can you apply to AR projects?

There are several tools allowing for easier, faster, and cheaper development of AR/VR solutions. Apple and Google have their own toolkits (ARKit for iOS and AR Core for Android) that allow developers to create solutions for mobile devices.

Brands also introduce their own solutions, including headsets like Microsoft HoloLens or Oculus. As they are becoming cheaper every year, the customer adoption of such devices will grow.

To develop virtual interfaces, developers can use solutions like Unity Engine, which happens to be also known as a popular multiplatform game engine.


Holo4Labs: Mixed Reality Future in Today’s Lab

At SoftwareHut, a Microsoft Gold Partner, we developed Holo4Labs, a mixed reality interface connecting the power of Microsoft HoloLens 2 with Thermo Scientific™ SampleManager LIMS™, giving scientists the opportunity to work in a lab of the future – today. 

With Holo4Labs, scientists and researchers can automate many mundane tasks like data management, simply scanning samples with Microsoft HoloLens headset to enter required information. 

Users can also view their task on a digital interface, follow laboratory procedures, and even work together using video collaboration. The interface significantly improves lab productivity and safety, changing the way labs work.

people with phone

Choose a team that fits your project

Whether your ambitions as an organisation are domestic, or globally-reaching, ensure you choose a team that specialises in your desired technology. Our teams can help realize your requirements through extensive experience in dedicated IT system. 

How you choose to deploy your selected experts is your prerogative. Much of this can depend on your organisation’s size and existing IT capabilities. You may decide to outsource your entire project to a software house or opt for a flexible, extended team model. The latter option entails recruiting strictly those required to boost your operational capacity. 

No matter which option you choose, you should expect full communication and transparency from your software house. Ensure you have access to progress reports to retain control over your project.

AR/VR development process

Follow a proven method for your AR/VR project development



Analyse, understand, clarify.



Development or implementation of an IT solution.



Continually help and improve.


The cost of AR/VR development services

The cost of AR/VR development services can be estimated similarly to other software development projects.

The overall cost of your project depends on the time needed to deliver it and the number of software developers included. Based on the scope of your project, software developers estimate the workload and use hourly rates to calculate the cost of mobile app development.

In software development, commonly used billing options include a fixed price or time and material. In fixed price, the budget is simply “fixed” and doesn’t depend on any changes in time. Time and material, on the other hand, will take delivery time into account, even if it changes during the project.

We’re your team of AR/VR developers

At SoftwareHut, we’re a team of 200+ experienced software developers, ready to deliver your AR/VR project. With over 200 projects delivered for our clients, we know our craft when it comes to bespoke software development.

We’re an extended team, which means we can join your project at any time, working hand-in-hand with your in-house software developers. You don’t have a team? No worries, we take on entire projects, too.

IT professionals

projects delivered

client satisfaction

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Do you have any questions?

We’ve covered some of the most frequently asked questions to make your decision as straightforward as possible.

Should my business invest in AR/VR development services?

Creating augmented or virtual reality apps is a way to increase brand value, customer engagement and stand out from the competition by offering unique, digital experience. This way, AR/VR projects can give your business a competitive advantage.

For many businesses, such solutions can also help to improve the way their operate. Enabling employees with modern tools improves their productivity and safety, for example guiding them through the workspace or displaying procedures on digital interfaces. Such solutions also help make more informed decisions based on data, in real-time and without interrupting other tasks.

Is AR/VR development expensive?

AR/VR projects are now more affordable than ever before. With a variety of tools and devices to use for accessing virtual reality, you can create your own, unique solutions like any other mobile application.

Also dedicated headsets are becoming cheaper, allowing you to arm your employees with modern devices at lower cost, than even a few years back.

Is AR/VR development different than software development?

AR/VR projects are conducted just like any other software development project. Whether you’re targeting mobile devices or headsets like Microsoft HoloLens, software developers will have to be familiar with different tools or 3D modelling engines, but those skills are more and more common among software developers.

Hire top AR/VR developers