It is not enough to write the lines of code efficiently. You need to make sure that you entrust your project to specialists who really understand you.


years in bussiness




cities in Poland

stars on Clutch

How we respond to your needs

Whether you want to develop a project for your startup or a corporate platform, whether you need a few specialists or a large technology partner, we'll respond to your needs by developing the right solutions. These are our key features.


Detailed project

We talk. About your project, about technology, about possible approaches. Estimation and proposed solutions are always tailor-made and discussed. We do not approve the one size fits all approach.


The talent pool

We are a team of problem solvers.
We’re skilled, experienced, and engaged.
We’re hiring top experts.
We are constantly learning, spreading knowledge,
participating in building the local community of experts, and
obtaining certificates.


Excellent communication

With western quality and Polish(ed) style,
we're ready to speak your business language.
We’re close not only in the terms of distance -
we share your values,
goal-orientation, sense of humour
and attitude.


CTO'S problems

What's your nightmare?
Recruiting a competent team? Security?
Continuation or modification of the project?
Need for new technologies and solutions?
Credible planning and predicting?
Whatever bothers you -
we will help you,
starting with choosing dedicated tech leads


100% Remote

When it comes to remote work, nothing can surprise us.
We've been working like this for years.
We use proven procedures and agile methodologies.
We help our clients to implement them. Sprints, standups, reviews, calls, and feedbacks -
we make sure to keep you in charge.


Reliable results

To be credible, we must be successful.
We have our own startups and we receive positive
customer reviews.
We belong to a successful financial technology group.
We know that your project must be profitable.

What makes us different?


The challenging approach

What is the basis of the challenging approach? It’s mutual trust. We believe that everybody gives their 100% and our customers can trust us to recommend the best solutions. The challenging approach allows us to change, innovate, discuss, and develop to carry out innovative projects.

Marcin Bartoszuk
Chief Technology Officer

What we believe in?

Projects are not just numbers, tables, and lines of code. They consist of people and their beliefs that shape the way they work. We want to share them with our clients.

We are a team. Although we work remotely, we cooperate. This is how we treat our clients. We are honest, we focus on our common goal, and choose the best solutions.

These values are important to you too?

What our clients think about us?

"Motivation", "understanding nuances", "productive partnership", "transparency", "smooth enegagement", "honest feedback", "driven team with technical mastery" - we have it all.

4,7 stars on Clutch

How we work

We can bring your project to life – from an idea to the final product. No costly misunderstandings along the way. Starting with a discussion about your project and its estimation, through planning, team assignment, kick off or project supervision - we've got you covered.


Requirement gathering







Delivering a successful project starts with understanding the idea behind it. During the requirement gathering phase, our team gets to know your business needs, challenges, potential customers, and goals. That’s how we ensure that the resulting software is what you require from us, avoiding costly gaps and misunderstandings.
We can also consult your idea, suggesting solutions based on our previous projects. Our experience with various approaches and project methodologies (including Prince2™) taught us that this first step is always the most important part of your project. Our qualified Business Analysts will help you find the right solution.
UX guidelines
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Mockups test and review
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Service/app structure and navigation

Do you want to learn more about us?

See who's behind the solutions

we’re creating for you

Check our competences and quality of our projects

What is good to know?

Are you thinking about outsourcing?

Do you wonder which model will be the best for you? 

Do you want to implement processes, terminology and learn about the most important benefits of outsourcing?

'Your essential guide to cooperating with IT companies.

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Common questions

What to Prepare Before Getting an Estimate?

It all starts with an idea. Once you have it, it’s time for action! 

Before getting an estimate, you should define your idea. Describe your vision and try to be precise. Later, prepare a brief description of your ideas and hopes. Next step: specs. No need to be too technical though, you can leave the details to the specialists. It’s also important to consider your budget, as well as a deadline. Think about the scope of the project and your goals.  

If you want to know more about preparations before getting an estimate, make sure to check out this article.   

What Impacts the cost of my project?

What Impacts the cost of my project? 

The total cost of a software development project is a sum of people working on it over a given period, multiplied by their hourly rates. 

The software development team can consist of different roles, such as front-end, backend, and full-stack software developers, UX/UI managers, project managers, and testers. Depending on the scope of your project, you may need different specialists. It’s your decision who you want to hire. 

Team members’ hourly rate depends on the roles, seniority of team members, and location of an IT company. 

If you want to learn more about cost estimation, check out this article


IT projects are based on knowledge, experience, and ideas. This information is what makes your project unique and competitive on the market. It’s important to secure this idea and prevent it from being stolen.  

To ensure the safety of your project, it’s advisable to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Creating an NDA, it’s important to specify what information is confidential and assess its worth. Signing an NDA is a standard procedure even during simple estimation and can minimise the risk of your original idea being stolen. 

How does the project Sign-Off document look like?

Sign-Off document is a formal manifestation of the end of the project. 

The document clearly states all practical and necessary information needed to confirm what kind of project was it, who was involved, when it took place, as well as the specific details making up the project. 

This document should follow the project charter, referring to the information set out in the initial report. 

It should be simplified and concise, and contain the following elements: 

  • A statement indicating the purpose of the paper is to ‘signify the end of the project.’ 
  • name of the project, 
  • all relevant dates, 
  • key roles in the project, 
  • project deliverables, 
  • spaces for signatures. 


A kick-off meeting is the first meeting of the project team and the client. This meeting consists of defining the base elements of the project and other project planning activities. This meeting introduces the members of the project team and the client. It also provides the opportunity to discuss the role of team members. Other base elements in the project that involve the client may also be discussed at this meeting Schedule, status reporting, and rules of conduct can be also established.  

The kick-off meeting is an enthusiasm-generator for the clients and allows presenting a full summary of steps and plans for the project and establishing a common goal.  

Kick-off is the beginning of cooperation! 

Not sure how to organize your kick-off meeting? We have some advice


Work culture is the environment that a company creates for the employees and associates. It plays a crucial role in determining work satisfaction. It is the combination of our leadership, values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours and attitudes.  

At SoftwareHut, we try to create an atmosphere of understanding and patience. However, we are not lenient nor indulgent. We deliver the highest quality and expect the same from our partners. We are honest and straightforward and not afraid of constructive criticism. We respect each other and our partners and clients. 

If you want to find out more about outsourcing IT to Poland, check out this article.  


If you can’t communicate, you can’t create.  

Transparency is the basis of good communication. Blurred lines during cooperation can cause misunderstandings and lead to serious consequences that can negatively influence your project.  

Make sure that you understand your interlocutor, and you are also understood.   

Moreover, everybody involved in the project should be provided with reliable forms of communication. There are many options that you can choose from simple chats, such as Slack, or a combination of chat and video conference, such as Microsoft Teams. Scrums, on the other hand, would be particularly important in the case of Agile workflow methodologies. Be sure to join Sprint Review meetings. If possible, make sure to set face-to-face meetings. In-spite of technology improving our means of communication, the most basic form of communicating remains the most impressionable. 

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