Delivering a Drupal CMS-based website for OneTwoTrip

TravelDrupalWeb developmentLondon, UK
London, UK


OneTwoTrip is an online travel service, helping customers find and book a flight since 2011. The website now gathers information about flights from 800 airlines, including 100 low-cost operators.

The challenge

Looking to extend their website with a localised content, OneTwoTrip reached out to Order of Code (OOC, now a part of SoftwareHut team), tasking them with website development of the platform.




The development of a localised news portal included the development of a reliable service offering back and forth translations in eight different languages. A challenge was to come up with a mechanism enabling changing the language both ways, from the originals site and back.

As OOC have chosen Drupal CMS for this project, the mechanism for changing the language required writing a custom extension. The work has also included the configuration of the nginx web server and routing mechanism.

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s talk about your project.


Our company needed to create very quickly a platform to build content around the main website. Due to the lack of internal resources we chose Order of Code as outsourcing partner.

The solution was delivery by them very quickly and satisfied all our needs. Cooperation was excellent despite remote work and time difference. I was also pleasantly surprised to see how seamlessly the new solution integrated with existing website.

Dmitry Konovalov, Regional Director


Do you have any questions or ideas?

Drops us a line and we'll contact you about your project.

Jacek Zadrąg
Chief Operating Officer

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