Creating a New Versions of Calnex Analysis Tools

Big DataSoftware developmentLondon, UK
London, UK


Calnex Solutions is the world-leader in test and measurement solutions to prove and monitor the performance and reliability of Ethernet synchronization. Introducing their new solutions for testing 100Gb/s networks and 100GbE devices, they needed to improve their analysis tools.

The challenge

Working with Calnex, Order of Code (OOC, now a part of SoftwareHut team), created a new version of the Calnex Analyser Tool (CAT) and a new Data Storage tool.




Calnex needed both new tools to run on Windows and Linux operating systems. On Linux, the tools had to be managed by a web GUI, while on Windows the standalone desktop app is available.

Before the data can be analysed with the CAT software, it is being recorded by the Data Storage tool. Stored in high quality, the data can be then processed both online and offline. Data consistency is ensured even in the event of a power failure.

The new Calnex Analytics Software (CAT) has been improved with new features, including a web-based GUI which communicates with a backend through WebSockets and RESTful services.

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After improving the tools with new features and algorithm optimisation, the application can now successfully process and display incoming data at a rate of over 1000 samples per second.


Order of Code proposed and implemented a new design to fit with our new web-based user interface.

The requirements for this product have been a lot more demanding than previously since it now needs to work within a real instrument as a core part of the product as well as supporting all the legacy capabilities.

They worked closely with us during the design and development, leading to a successful implementation.

Eric Percival, Project Manager

Calnex Solutions Ltd

Do you have any questions or ideas?

Drops us a line and we'll contact you about your project.

Jacek Zadrąg
Chief Operating Officer

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