10 September 2020

A Day in the Life of an Outsourcing Specialist

IT Outsourcing

First, let’s briefly discuss who is an outsourcing specialist.

My role requires diversified communication. I need to be a brilliant liaison between the desires of our clients and a specific developer working on the project (we are happy to use the Time&Material approach). I also know who is in charge of every area of expertise so I can easily navigate someone directly to the person who can help them.

I also must have an extensive network of contacts – in case of incoming demands that can’t be fulfilled on-site, I must find support in associated companies from Poland (that’s the purchasing part, and I love it).

With a broad base of subcontractors, there is almost no chance of rejecting an inquiry from our clients (at most, we ask them for more time). It’s very important for our clients.

Successful Internal Communication Benefits the Clients

Why do we even write about it? Because it matters (yes, for you, as a client too).

I maintain cooperation with many polish software houses (similar to SoftwareHut). My interlocutors are ALWAYS curious about how we manage the resources of such a big company. It’s not always easy, but again, the right processes matter.

Every Friday, our project managers send reports directly to me. With the help of our CTO and the Head of Administration, we fill our internal system with this data. Keeping 200 employees engaged is a demanding task, but thanks to that, the client can ask us about specific competencies, and we can answer them – usually immediately.

Of course, it also depends on the client’s maturity and internal assumptions about IT, so there is no certainty that outsourcing is the “Holy Grail” to every organisation worldwide. However, it’s worth considering, because thanks to outsourcing clients can focus on their area of expertise and allow IT companies to do their job.

The One and Only Truth About Data

Another thing that helps our salespeople is our internal system that contains a record of every employee. This record contains a lot of useful information (such as holiday requests, location, the cost of single employment, etc.).

Each report contains also the level of knowledge of each technology or programming language, from one to five. The base of technology tags is built with the help of our Tech Leaders.

With the help of this system, looking for a fitted developer is much easier. For example, when one of our clients asks us for a developer with extensive experience in .NET Core and Angular, I can answer them in 15 seconds, just after sending a request to our system and checking who from SoftwareHut meets the requirements of the client.

It’s simple, accessible, and time-saving. Clients don’t have to wait for a long period of time, and sales representatives don’t need to dig through piles of CVs.


Outsourcing specialist plays a valuable role in every IT outsourcing company that I spoke to (with employment over 100 employees). In smaller companies, the CEO performs these responsibilities.

An outsourcing specialist is a person who has wide connections in other companies and can solve even the most demanding and urgent requests from the clients.

From another perspective, an outsourcing specialist can be considered a salesperson, but their main responsibility is not to earn cash but optimise engagement (which, of course, brings revenue).

They are a support for:

  • The CTO – by updating data in the system to keep the state of engagement clear and understandable.
  • Salespeople – by enabling them to sell faster and more efficiently.
  • Project Managers – by helping to choose the right developers for their projects.
  • HR Department – by improving CV templates in line with market standards.
  • Clients – by introducing them to the most fitted developers.

Explore the advantages of IT project outsourcing

Karol Średziński
Senior Pre-sales Consultant