06 February 2020

IoT Trends 2020: How Much the Internet of Things Can Change?


IoT trends for 2020 are here, making it clear what we can expect from the technology. With further development comes implementing cutting-edge solutions, further user adoption, and data management.

Is the Internet of Things (IoT) everywhere? From smart homes, offices and even cities, to manufacturing, logistics and healthcare, the IoT devices certainly prove to be inevitable.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast, we can expect a steady growth of IoT devices in the upcoming years, followed by the growing market value and data usage. What this entails is how it will affect industries and users, as IoT finally takes off on a bigger scale.

Here, I’m about to focus on seven IoT trends to watch in 2020, that will matter most.

IoT Trends 2020: Data Management, Security, and Broader Reach

1. 5G network

As the IDC forecasts, “there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices, or “things,” generating 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data in 2025”. The data will vary from smaller metrics about the devices’ use and limited data transfers to images and videos using image recognition.

Today, IoT devices face some problems regarding network velocity, but this may change with the introduction of 5G networks worldwide.

The benefits of the improved data flow will be seen for example in manufacturing, healthcare, and surveillance applications.

2. Edge computing

Another tech development that impacts IoT capabilities is edge computing. This architecture brings computing power and data storage closer to end-users and connected devices, making them more efficient.

Together with 5G networks, edge computing will improve data processing and the potential of IoT devices, increasing data transport speed and reducing data latency.

3. Security as priority

IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and quantum computing have been included among the biggest threats for the upcoming year, World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned. In their Global Risks Report 2020, WEF recognises the potential of the emerging tech but also points out possible threats to look after.

Gartner study found that nearly 20% of companies experienced an IoT-based attack in the last three years. As IoT is often vulnerable to hacker’s attacks, companies will have to focus more on ensuring the safety of these devices. Using blockchain might be one of the ways to solve this issue.

4. Industrial IoT

As we got used to IoT stories reflecting on smart homes’ possibilities, the modern industry is where this tech shines. Heavy industry, logistics, and factories are for instance going to benefit from connected devices the most.

This trend, also called Industry 4.0, can improve productivity by using real-time data from such devices, make dangerous work safer, or improve collaboration between factory workers. The factory of the future will be better optimised and data-driven, and IoT is a significant part of this change.

5. Self-driving vehicles

The automotive industry is one of the leaders of applying innovative solutions, and it’s no different when it comes to IoT devices. New cars already make use of IoT to increase safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Connected devices play a significant role in the development of self-driving vehicles, too. IoT can be used to communicate the car with its surroundings, and translate the data into actionable decisions about distance, speed, driving autonomous future.

6. Healthcare embraces IoT

Another exciting area of applying IoT devices is the digitisation of healthcare. eHealth solutions now span from mobile and web apps to connected devices and wearables. This variety of devices can be used to track patients’ health and habits.

The reason this tech takes off now is the advancement in connected devices development. With smaller devices and longer battery life, eHealth products can now be confidently and discreetly used. This enables them to collect valuable data throughout the day, connecting with smartphones via Bluetooth.

If you’re curious about eHealth possibilities, read our article on examples of healthcare experiences.

7. Greater user adoption

The market of IoT devices grew significantly in the past few years, but the adoption of this tech is still quite low. Until now, it was early adopters and tech enthusiasts who’s been driving IoT growing popuarity.

Today, as IoT devices, e.g. for smart homes, are becoming better and more affordable, we will see wider adoption of these devices.

Let’s talk about IoT trends

At SoftwareHut, we keep a close eye on cutting-edge tech and industry trends. Having worked with several clients on connected devices development, as well as building our smart office product, we can support you with IoT application.

Explore the possibilities of IoT development

Maciej Szymczuk
Regional Director - USA

Entrepreneur, front-end developer, technology enthusiast. A leader who is always pushing himself beyond limits. Firmly believes in the strength of teamwork, but has the ability to work independently. Ambitious with a creative and analytical mind that always guides him to find the most optimal solution for finishing tasks on time.