14 May 2020

Flutter Mobile Development Will Completely Transform the Market


There’s been much hype with regards to Flutter mobile development.

New development kits form the nucleus of the mobile development world. And with a good one – you’re sure to build something truly spectacular. Initially, there isn’t too much to this toolkit that really meets the eye.

First, and foremost, it’s a Google creation. It’s also good to know that it is open source. It’s also written in C and C ++ programming languages. However, for the developer in all of us, it also works with Dart.

What Can We Achieve with Flutter Mobile Development?

Just how far can we take this open-source UI software development kit? There’s much to be had in this, and it’s an exciting selection.

First, and foremost, we can develop Android applications. The more notable examples include iOS, Windows, and Mac. But you can also develop for some of the more niche varieties, such as Linux and Google Fuchsia. Web-centred apps are also possible but note they’re in an experimental phase. So, for now, those aren’t ready for production.

Why is it so Special?

Every new endeavour has its disadvantages. But in this case, the advantages reign supreme! I can argue, on good authority, that it’s the first cross-platform framework that executes well. It’s even comfortable enough to build amazing User Interfaces (UI).

Let’s look at some of the other reasons.

It’s Easy to Use

The fact is, it’s nowhere near as complicated as other platforms. You will find that it translates well from others and is easy to learn. It’s reactive UI make for some straightforward programming.

It’s Free

The best things often are. And with Flutter being an open-source kit, there’s considerable potential to what you can do. As far as it is a free service, it certainly won’t feel that way once you use it. Flutter is notable for wielding its own widgets – and to spectacular effect. Each of these is highly customisable, aesthetic, and above all – fast.


For those of you accustomed to React Native – you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Knowledge of React will help you make the transition that much smoother. Widgets also hold state in this case. However, should this become burdensome, you’re always able to move to Redux. It’s the ease of use, and relative similarity to React Native make this a potentially fearsome competitor.

Fast Coding

For those on the run, with minimal time to spare, this might be a blessing. With Flutter, you can opt for a single codebase for development. That single code can, for instance, be used for two platforms. Its versatility makes it an easy cross-platform tool for mobile app development. It’s also well-suited for hot reloading. This means changes in code take place almost instantly. It’s highly suiting for feature adding, fixes, as well as experiments.

Great Designs

Functionality is one thing, but at the end of the day – appearances are everything. It’s an incredibly attractive feature, with excellent aesthetics. Widget creation is a notable benefit and speaks volumes to the artist within. With Flutter, you can make widgets from scratch, or customise existing ones. The lean properties make this a popular choice for MVPs. These are well-performing, and operating at a fast pace, are cost-effective and budget-friendly. Most attractive is the simplicity, requiring only minimal experience.


This is, of course, a new and exciting product. But with new and exciting products, come inevitable growing pains. Flutter has undoubtedly made an impression on developers, and as it unfolds, it will fine-tune some of its inconsistencies. One such area to consider, are support options and where to find them.

Libraries and support options are at best, limited. This is when you compare to Native Development. However, that’s changing. As is often the case, you can be sure to expect more support groups and libraries as this tool spreads its wings.


There’s much to be said about the advantages of using Flutter. The plentiful features and rapid app development make this a go-to for developers. Those familiar with React Native will have minimal issues with onboarding. Novice developers can also expect an equally straightforward experience.

What the service lacks in initial support it makes up in simplicity. A hugely uncomplicated UI makes for an ultra-smooth experience that’s both fast and effective. Its extensibility makes it a very promising tool, as well. Where time-to-market matters, Flutter reigns supreme as a speedier alternative to Native.

When looking to set up an MVP, Flutter mobile development is the way to go. Consider seeking out a developer team who could help you realise some of these exciting features as well.

In all, for those looking for an option that’s economical and easy to implement, look no further. If you’re looking to try these features out for your MVP – then you’ve come to the right place.

Uncover the benefits of Flutter mobile development

Bartosz Kraszewski
Software Developer

Software Engineer specialised in Mobile Applications development. Focused on code quality and standards, experienced working in fast paced, product-oriented environment - Silicon Valley startups. Co-founder of Mobile Bialystok - local mobile technology enthusiasts group. Also an amateur squash player.