02 April 2021

Tech Perspective #27: Business Models in the Age of AI


Some people still associate artificial intelligence with science fiction scenarios. However, this stereotype is fading away as AI-based solutions become more and more ubiquitous. Today, artificial intelligence is no longer associated with the fear of the unknown, as it has entered our daily lives. It has become a household name and even a household presence, shoutout to Alexa.

Even though AI solutions are welcomed with more enthusiasm and less fear than ever before, there are still some concerning issues that need to be addressed. One of such is almost uncanny predictability offered by AI. What’s wrong with that, you may ask. After all, it provides business owners and analysts with incredible insights that can revolutionise their strategies and generate revenue, among many other advantages.

The more knowledge, the more power, as simple as that. What if I tell you that it’s sometimes better not to know everything?

Predicting the Unpredictable

Before you declare me insane, let me explain the twist and turns of using AI in randomised experiences. AI is predicting with unique prejudice and automates otherwise unpredictable results. These unforeseeable elements are the basis on which the quality of many of these products relies.

Let us take for the example the online gaming experience. Have you ever encountered cheaters who used unfair advantages or pranksters hacking the game? Frustrating, isn’t it? Online video-gaming depends on fairness between all the involved players. Only with all of them being on board with the rules of conduct it’s possible to enjoy satisfactory gameplay. Unfortunately, many players are already “automating” their gaming operation, diminishing the online game experience – thus, the integrity of the gaming product.

The same applies to gambling in online casinos. Even though AI is currently being used to make casinos safer and even to detect the risk of gambling addiction, many shady businesses use it to their own advantage. Instead of using the analysis of behaviour and habits of gamblers to improve customer service or to protect them, casinos corrupt the data to fraudulently increase the profits.

Put a Little Mystery

Don’t get me wrong, I can’t express how much I appreciate business-based AI solutions. On an everyday basis, they support companies with invaluable knowledge, innovative insights, and support. Thanks to artificial intelligence we can protect and understand our clients better, we can provide them with excellent and personalised customer service, and create revolutionary and beneficial strategies.

Predictability is a powerful tool that can improve processes and give your organisation a competitive advantage. Combined with the experience and extensive knowledge of your employees, and the so-called human touch it can truly work wonders. Businesses can and should take advantage of AI at all possible junctures. As long as it’s ethical.

As I already mentioned, AI predictability can be used for more nefarious purposes, not only to ruin the gaming experience but also to scam players. And that’s where we should draw a line. We came to the point when there’s no going back, and the rightful use of AI should be protected at all costs. Any illegal or unfair activities should be penalised. It’s high time to rule on ‘lawful foresight’.

Lawful Foresight

If your company already makes use of AI-based solutions, you probably can’t imagine losing this competitive advantage. If you’re thinking about introducing such solutions to your organisation, you’re probably analysing possible advantages and risks. No matter if your company is already AI-based or not, it deserves fair working conditions.

That’s why I wholeheartedly believe that in order to protect fair use of foresight we should introduce regulations ruling out any possible foul-play.

To protect our companies and our gaming experience!

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Marcin Bartoszuk
Chief Technology Officer

With Microsoft technologies related since 2005. He graduated from the Computer Science Faculty of the Bialystok University of Technology where he was the leader of the .NET Group and the Microsoft Student Partner. Four times finalist of the national stage of the Imagine Cup competition, and later the mentor and the jury member of the contest. Co-founder of the Bialystok .NET Group. He lectured .NET development at the Bialystok University of Technology. Microsoft MVP in the Client Application Development category in 2008-2010, when he actively participated in the IT community. Constant new technology enthusiast and IT consultant.